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Previous Committees

2023 Committees

Administrative Committee

  • Chair: Frazier O'Leary, Ward 4
  • Members: Allister Chang, Ward 2; Jacque Patterson, At-Large; Eboni-Rose Thompson, Ward 7 (ex-officio)

Description: The Administrative Committee monitors and oversees the State Board’s budget, personnel and governance. Learn more about this committee's enumerated responsibilities in the bylaws.


State-Level and Systemic Policy Committee

  • Co-Chairs: Jacque Patterson, At-Large; Ben Williams, Ward 1
  • Members: Allister Chang, Ward 2; Eric Goulet, Ward 3; Benjamin Yarkin, Student; Téa Washington, Student; Eboni-Rose Thompson, Ward 7 (ex-officio)

Description: The State Level and Systemic Policy Committee provided research, outreach, and recommendations related to the state accountability system, academic standards, educator retention, and statewide literacy.


School Community and Wellbeing Committee

  • Chair: Brandon Best, Ward 6 
  • Members: Frazier O'Leary, Ward 4; Robert Henderson, Ward 5; Carlene Reid, Ward 8; Mikayla Kelley, Student; Joey Villaflor, Student; Eboni-Rose Thompson, Ward 7 (ex-officio)

Description: The School Community and Wellbeing Committee was focused on school safety, school facilities, and student and educator mental health.


Student Advisory Committee

  • Co-chairs: Mikayla Kelley; Joey Vlilaflor; Téa Washington; Benjamin Yarkin
  • Members: Students of the Student Advisory Committee

Description: The Student Advisory Committee is consulted on issues of policy before the Board. Each year, the Committee sends the State Board a report on a matter of importance to District students, providing recommended next steps.


2022 Committees

Administrative Committee

  • Chair: Eboni-Rose Thompson, Ward 7
  • Members: Emily Gasoi, Ward 1, Jacque Patterson, At-Large; Jessica Sutter, Ward 6 (ex-officio)

Description: The Administrative Committee monitors and oversees the State Board’s budget, personnel and governance. Learn more about this committee's enumerated responsibilities in the bylaws.


Accountability and Assessments Committee

  • Co-chairs: Emily Gasoi, Ward 1; Jacque Patterson, At-Large
  • Members: Ruth Wattenberg, Ward 3; Carlene Reid, Ward 8; Jessica Sutter, Ward 6 (ex-officio)

Description: The Administrative Committee monitors and oversees the State Board’s budget, personnel and governance. Learn more about this committee's enumerated responsibilities in the bylaws.


Education Standards Committee

  • Chair: Allister Chang, Ward 2
  • Members: Liv Birnstad, Student Representative; Ruth Wattenberg, Ward 3; Frazier O’Leary, Ward 4; Zachary Parker, Ward 5; Jessica Sutter, Ward 6 (ex-officio)

Description: The Education Standards Committee monitors and provides recommendations related to: (1) State academic standards (2) High school graduation requirements. (3) Standards for high school equivalence credentials. (4) State standards for homeschooling. (5) Statewide literacy.


Outreach and Advocacy Committee

  • Chair: Carlene Reid, Ward 8
  • Members: China Jones-Burgess, Student Representative; Anthony Wages, Student Representative; Téa Washington, Student Representative; Emily Gasoi, Ward 1; Frazier O’Leary, Ward 4; Eboni-Rose Thompson, Ward 7; Jessica Sutter, Ward 6 (ex-officio)

Description: The Outreach and Advocacy Committee monitors and provides recommendations related to: (1) State policies for parental involvement (2) State policies for supplemental education service providers (3) The list of charter school accreditation organizations (4) The list of private placement accreditation organizations (5) Oversee bi-annual parent advisory group (6) Follow up on Board resolutions and proposed legislation.


Teacher Practice and School Supports Committee

  • Chair: Frazier O'Leary, Ward 4
  • Members: Allister Chang, Ward 2; Zachary Parker, Ward 5; Eboni-Rose Thompson, Ward 7; Jessica Sutter, Ward 6 (ex-officio)

Description: The Teacher Practice Committee monitors and provides recommendations related to: (1) Standards for accreditation and certification of teacher preparation programs of colleges and universities. (2) Issues of teacher retention. (3) Oversee bi-annual teacher advisory group. (4) Statewide structures of support for improvement for LEAs and schools.


Board Governance Committee

  • Chair: Eboni-Rose Thompson, Ward 7
  • Members: Jacque Patterson, At-Large; Ruth Wattenberg, Ward 3; Zachary Parker, Ward 5; Jessica Sutter, Ward 6 (ex-officio)

Description: This committee will 1) research how the District of Columbia's mayoral control education system compares to other localities and 2) survey and document public opinions of our current structure, culminating with a public report to be delivered to the State Board.


Student Advisory Committee

  • Co-chairs: Liv Birnstad, China Jones-Burgess, Anthony Wages, and Téa Washington
  • Members: Students of the Student Advisory Committee

Description: The Student Advisory Committee is consulted on issues of policy before the Board. Each year, the Committee sends the State Board a report on a matter of importance to District students, providing recommended next steps.


Former Committee Assignments and Task Forces

2019-2021 Committees

  • Administration and Budget: This committee monitored and oversaw the State Board’s budget, personnel, and governance.

    Chair: Markus Batchelor, Ward 8

    Members: Karen Williams, Ward 7; Emily Gasoi, Ward 1; Ruth Wattenberg, Ward 3

  • Teacher Retention: This committee worked to better understand the issue of teacher retention and the effects that low rates of retention have on District students, schools, and communities. It has since been absorbed into the Teacher Practice Standing Committee.

    Chair: Frazier O'Leary, Ward 4

    Members: Emily Gasoi, Ward 1; Zachary Parker, Ward 5; Karen Williams, Ward 7; Markus Batchelor, Ward 8; Ruth Wattenberg, Ward 3

  • Well-Rounded Education: This committee is conducted research to learn the degree to which D.C. schools are able to ensure students have access to a balanced education, with attention to non-tested subjects including arts, sciences, and social studies.

    Co-Chairs: Emily Gasoi, Ward 1; Zachary Parker, Ward 5

    Members: Jessica Sutter, Ward 6; Ruth Wattenberg, Ward 3; Markus Batchelor, Ward 8

  • Social Studies Standards: This committee worked to develop a multi-year plan, including extensive collaboration with the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) and a diverse group of stakeholders, that would ultimately result in revised state social studies standards that are culturally inclusive and anti-racist, impart important social studies content in the early grades, strengthen student knowledge of democratic principles and values, and promote civic engagement. It has since been absorbed into the Education Standards Standing Committee.

    Chair: Jessica Sutter, Ward 6

    Co-chair: Karen Williams, Ward 7

    Members: Zachary Parker, Ward 5; Ruth Wattenberg, Ward 3; Markus Batchelor, Ward 8

  • Research: This committee examined and reviewed how school quality is measured under the District’s STAR Framework, alternative ideas and options for such measurement, and the strengths and weaknesses of these measures. It has since been absorbed into the Assessment and Accountability Standing Committee.

    Chair: Ruth Wattenberg, Ward 3

    Members: Emily Gasoi, Ward 1; Jack Jacobson, Ward 2; Markus Batchelor, Ward 8; Jessica Sutter, Ward 6; Zachary Parker, Ward 5

  • Every Day Counts! Task Force (External Committee Assignment): The Every Day Counts! Taskforce is a partnership of diverse District of Columbia agencies and stakeholders that collectively advance and coordinate strategies to increase student attendance and reduce truancy.

    Ashley MacLeay, At-Large, to serve as alternate delegate

Former Task Forces

  • Re-Open Task Force: This committee sought to create a task force with external stakeholders to develop a public report to be delivered to the State Board no later than July 31, 2021, on school reopening amid COVID-19 with a particular focus on social-emotional learning and decreased academic performance.

    Co-chairs: Allister Chang, Ward 2; Zachary Parker, Ward 5

    Members: Emily Gasoi, Ward 1; Frazier O’Leary, Ward 4; Jessica Sutter, Ward 6

  • ESSA Task Force: ESSA implementation began during the 2017-18 school year. The Task Force worked with the Office of the State Superintendent of Education to gather input from diverse stakeholders on the design and development of the new accountability system for the District.

    Chair: Karen Williams, Ward 7

    State Board Members: Jack Jacobson, Ward 2; Zachary Parker, Ward 5

    Members: See full list

  • High School Graduation Requirements Task Force On June 5, 2017, the DC State Board of Education (SBOE) proudly announced the formation of a new High School Graduation Requirements Task Force under the leadership of Ward 1 representative Laura Wilson Phelan and Ward 8 representative Markus Batchelor. With a clear focus on ensuring that all students across the District succeed in college and career, this task force reviewed, analyzed and, as necessary, made thoughtful, implementable recommendations to adjust DC’s high school graduation requirements for all DCPS and public charter students.

    Co-chairs: Laura Wilson Phelan, Ward 1; Markus Batchelor, Ward 8

    Members: See full list