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State Board of Education Schedules Public Meeting on ESEA Flexibility Waiver

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Contact: Jack Jacobson, President, (202) 741-0888

(Washington, DC)—The District of Columbia State Board of Education (State Board) will hold a public to vote on a resolution to approve amendment and renewal of the District’s statewide accountability plan. The District’s statewide accountability plan provides structural accountability through the use of tools such as the Elementary and Secondary Education Act Flexibility (ESEA) Waiver, which enables the District to evaluate student growth along measures such as:

  • Student proficiency
  • Student growth
  • Graduation rates
  • Attendance and participation rates

The State Board will also introduce the new Chief Student Advocate, Ms. Faith Gibson-Hubbard who is serving as the head of the Office of Student Advocacy within the State Board.

Finally, the State Board will also be considering ceremonial resolutions for retiring teachers.

The public meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 17, 2015 at 5:30 pm in the old Council Chambers (1st Floor) of 441 4th Street NW.

Individuals and representatives of organizations who wish to comment at the meeting are asked to notify the State Board staff in advance by phone at (202) 741-0888, or by email at [email protected] and to provide their names, addresses, telephone numbers and organizational affiliation, if any, by the close of business the Tuesday prior to the meeting (June 16, 2015). They should also bring fifteen (15) copies of their written statements with them to the meeting and are encouraged to submit one (1) electronic copy in advance to the State Board’s official email address.

The meeting will air live on District Knowledge Network (DKN Comcast Channel 99, RCN Channel 18 and Fios Channel 12.