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ESSA Community Based Meetings & Archives

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Community-Based Meetings - February 2017

Throughout the month of February, the State Board of Education and the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) co-hosted 9 community meetings in all eight wards of the District to provide information about ESSA and to solicit feedback on OSSE's initial draft of Washington, DC’s state education plan, to be submitted to the U.S. Department of Education by April 3, 2017. Thank you to the more than 300 community members, parents, students, and advocates who attended these meetings!  This feedback has been key in helping Board members ensure that this plan is right for our schools!

SBOE Public Meeting Information on ESSA - 2016 / 2017


January SBOE Public Meeting  
Office of the State Superintendent (OSSE) provided an overview of the major components of the consolidated statewide plan required by ESSA 
Watch the discussion here.

February SBOE Public Meeting 
SBOE heard from two panels of policy experts regarding their views on the draft ESSA accountability plan 
Watch the discussion here.

March SBOE Public Meeting 
Invited ALL interested members of the public to testify about the final accountability plan. Nearly 40 residents testified. 
Watch the discussion here

March Special Public Meeting  
Voted to approve the final state plan for the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) | Watch all of the State Board members provide comments on their vote here

May SBOE Public Meeting 
Voted to approve the creation of a new ESSA Task Force Advisory Task Force. This task force will consist of three SBOE representatives and a variety of participants including DC Public/Public Charter school students and teachers, two parent representatives, business representatives, national education experts, and a representative from the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) Watch the vote here.


March SBOE Public Meeting 
Testimony from three ESSA experts
Watch their discussion on best ESSA practices here.

June SBOE Public Meeting  
Testimony related to school quality and student success  
Watch the discussion here.

July SBOE Public Meeting  
Testimony related to the potential impact of ESSA on vulnerable students
Watch the discussion here.

September SBOE Public Meeting  
Testimony related to state leadership and implementation challenges  
Watch the discussion here.

October SBOE Public Meeting  
Testimony related to a Parent Summit that includes ESSA related sessions  
Watch the discussion here.

November SBOE Public Meeting  
Invited ALL interested members of the public to testify about the initial accountability strawman provided by OSSE and the SBOE response to that strawman 
Watch the discussion here

December SBOE Public Meeting  
Three ESSA policy experts, a charter school Vice President of Policy, and a Ward 5 charter school parent provided testimony to the Board
Watch the discussion here.