For Immediate Release
Contact: Jesse B Rauch, Executive Director, 202.741.0884
Washington, DC – The District of Columbia State Board of Education (State Board) will hold a working session to review issues coming before the State Board. The following issues will be covered at this meeting:
- Feeder Patters and Boundary Revision Briefing (DME Presentation): The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education will brief the State Board on of the ongoing student assignment and school boundaries review process. This is the first of several briefings scheduled with the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education.
- PARCC Briefing (PARCC Presentation): The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) has been invited to provide an overview of the new K-12 assessment to the State Board and provide guidance on what to expect as the District of Columbia prepares to administer the test to students in SY2014-2015.
- Test Integrity Update (OSSE Presentation): The State Board seeks an update on the implementation of the “Testing Integrity Act of 2013” and its associated rules. The State Board is also interested in discussing the preventative measures being put in place for the next administration of the DC-CAS.
- LEA Report Cards Update (OSSE Presentation): The State Board seeks an update on OSSE’s plans to bring revised LEA Report Cards to the State Board for review and approval.
The State Board may also close a portion of the meeting to consult with the State Board’s legal counsel in regards to graduation requirements and to discuss personnel issues related to the onboarding of the Ombudsman for Public Education.
The working session will be held on Wednesday, March 5, 2014 at 4:30pm at 441 4th Street NW, Room 842.
While working sessions are open to the public, individuals and representatives of organizations are not permitted to speak or participate during the working session. However, individuals and representatives of organizations may submit written testimony for consideration by the Board. Written testimony may also be submitted by email at [email protected].
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