Washington, DC - The DC State Board of Education (SBOE) will hold its monthly working session on February 1, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. to discuss a number of important topics. The meeting will be held at 441 4th St NW in Room 1114.
At this working session, the SBOE will continue to build on previous discussions and public engagement around the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). During the January SBOE Public Meeting, the Office of the State Superintendent (OSSE) provided an overview of the major components of the consolidated statewide plan required by ESSA. In addition to school accountability, the consolidated plan includes sections on long-term goals, consultation and performance management, academic assessments, and supporting educators and students. OSSE will be releasing the final draft plan of the accountability portion of ESSA for public comment on Monday, January 30th. The SBOE looks forward to reviewing this plan with OSSE as it prepares for a March vote on the final plan.
The public may also provide input by testifying at an upcoming public meeting or by submitting comments via email at [email protected]. For additional information about ESSA, including upcoming engagement opportunities and previous meeting materials, please visit sboe.dc.gov/essa and osse.dc.gov/essa.
The SBOE will also hear from an expert panel on updating District-wide physical education standards. These academic standards will cover all students from pre-kindergarten through high school age. Physical education standards were last approved in 2008 [PDF]. OSSE recommends that the State Board adopt the new federal physical education standards with a SBOE vote in March 2017 to allow for implementation in the next school year.
The working session is open to the public. However, individuals and representatives of organizations are not permitted to speak or participate during the working session. Individuals and representatives of organizations may submit written testimony for consideration by the SBOE. Written testimony may also be submitted by email at [email protected].
The draft agenda of the meeting is below. Please note that the agenda may be altered, modified or updated without notice.
I. Call to Order
II. Announcement of a Quorum
III. Physical Education Standards
IV. Every Student Succeeds Act
V. Mission Statement
VI. Censure Procedure
VII. Office Reports
VIII. Adjournment
The State Board of Education provides policy leadership, support, advocacy, and oversight of public education to ensure that every student is valued and learns the skills and knowledge necessary to become informed, competent, and contributing global citizens. More information about the SBOE can be found at sboe.dc.gov.