Washington, DC - The DC State Board of Education (SBOE) will hold its monthly public meeting on Wednesday, December 19, 2018, at 5:30 pm in the Old Council Chambers at 441 Fourth St. NW. During this meeting, the SBOE will honor outgoing State Board members who have completed their service and hear from two panels on family partnerships in District education. All meeting documents can be accessed on the SBOE information-sharing site. The public meeting will air live on District Knowledge Network (DKN) and will be streamed live via Periscope for those community members who are unable to attend in person.
On January 2, 2019, the terms in office of three of our members will come to a close. The DC State Board of Education has been enriched by the service of Ward 1 representative Laura Wilson Phelan, Ward 5 representative Mark Jones, and Ward 6 representative Joe Weedon. Their tireless efforts have made a tremendous impact on the District and we will miss their voice and passion for making education better for all students.
The Office of the Student Advocate (OSA), an independent office housed within the State Board of Education, has made recommendations regarding the integration of a family engagement framework at the District level for public education policy and decision-making processes. Partnering with the OSA, the SBOE welcomes local and national experts to move forward the conversation of designing a family engagement framework that will provide a system for meaningful interactions and authentic relationships fostered with students, families, and communities.
The draft agenda of the meeting is below. Please note that the agenda may be altered, modified, or updated without notice.
I. Call to Order
II. Announcement of a Quorum
III. Approval of the Agenda
IV. Approval of the Minutes
V. Comments from the President of the DC State Board of Education
VI. Comments from the State Superintendent of Education
VII. Public Comment
VIII. Ceremonial Resolutions (VOTE)
IX. Family Partnerships in District Education
X. Member Statements & Resolutions (VOTE)
XI. Adjournment
All students, parents, educators, and community members are invited to provide testimony at public meetings. Individuals and representatives of organizations who wish to comment at a public meeting are asked to notify Board staff in advance by phone at (202) 741-0888 or by email at sboe@dc.gov no later than 48 hours in advance of the meeting. An electronic copy of testimony must be received no later than 48 hours prior to the meeting. Individuals are asked to furnish their names, addresses, telephone numbers, and organizational affiliation, if any. Individuals must also bring at least fifteen (15) copies of their written statements with them to the meeting.
About the SBOE
The DC State Board of Education is an independent agency within the Government of the District of Columbia that advises the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE), the District’s state education agency. The State Board is comprised of nine elected representatives, each representing their respective wards, with one member representing DC at large, and two appointed student representatives. The State Board approves statewide education policies and sets academic standards, while OSSE oversees education within the District and manages federal education funding. More information about the SBOE can be found at sboe.dc.gov.