For Immediate Release
Contact: Jesse B Rauch, Executive Director, 202.741.0884
Washington, DC – The District of Columbia State Board of Education (State Board) has scheduled a public meeting on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 5:30pm to discuss a proposal from the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) that would provide multiple pathways for students to earn credit towards graduation. The proposed pathways include the existing seat-time model and processes for credit advancement and credit recovery. OSSE is also proposing an application-based pilot program that would allow local education agencies (LEAs) to implement a competency-based learning system.
The goals of these changes are to (1) ensure that all students graduate with the knowledge, skills, and work habits that will prepare them for postsecondary education and modern careers; (2) encourage and support the creativity of local education agencies as they develop and expand high-quality educational experiences that are an integral part of secondary education in the evolving 21st Century classroom; and (3) allow students multiple, equally rigorous and valued ways to demonstrate competency of the knowledge and skills necessary for postsecondary education and meaningful careers.
In addition, the State Board will utilize a portion of the meeting to recognize and honor Board members who are leaving the State Board for providing outstanding service and leadership to the District of Columbia.
The public meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 5:30pm at 441 4th Street NW in the Old Council Chambers. All students, parents, and educators, and community members are invited to provide testimony.
Individuals and representatives of organizations who wish to comment at the meeting are asked to notify State Board staff in advance by phone at 202.741.0888 or by email at [email protected] and furnish their names, addresses, telephone numbers, and organizational affiliation, if any, by the close of business the Monday prior to the meeting. They should also bring fifteen (15) copies of their written statements with them to the meeting and are encouraged to submit one (1) electronic copy in advance.
The meeting will air live on District Knowledge Network (DKN) Comcast Channel 99, RCN Channel 18, and Fios Channel 12.
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