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Statement from SBOE President on Graduation Investigation

Thursday, December 21, 2017

December 21, 2017

Last night, the DC State Board of Education voted to table consideration of a resolution related to the allegations made public in late November by WAMU and NPR of serious issues at Frank W. Ballou Senior High School. The State Board is pleased that Mayor Bowser has ordered a three-part investigation into the allegations District-wide: First, an analysis of student level attendance and graduation outcomes at public high schools in the District; second a review of the implementation of attendance, graduation, and credit recovery policies in DCPS and at DCPS high schools (including Ballou) for 12th graders; and finally, a review of the Public Charter School Board’s (PCSB) oversight of graduation policies for public charter schools. This investigation is long over due and we are eager to see the results. The work of WAMU and NPR to bring this story to light should also be applauded, for shining a light on consistent and pervasive institutional barriers that our students face on the path to their success. The State Board has a special responsibility in ensuring that students have confidence in the diplomas that they have earned because we approve the standards they must meet. The investigation ordered by the mayor will not be complete until the end of January. I fully expect the State Board to be briefed, in public, by the mayor’s team when the report is complete. At that time, the State Board will revisit our resolution to determine what, if any, additional investigatory steps are needed. Karen L. Williams President & Ward 7 Representative