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9/27 School Community and Wellbeing Committee Meeting

Last Date:


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  1. Impact: Level Setting on the impact we want to have as a committee.  What are our goals and what actions need to be taken to get there.
    1. Define measurable outcomes
  2. Safe Passage: Earlier this year we discussed safe passage
    1. Would the team be open to going to 2-3 schools to speak with leaders, teachers and families about Safe Passage (how it’s going)?
    2. What would we do with this data?
  3. Leadership Meetings: Our leadership team meets with people we need to communicate with
    1. How can we best utilize the leadership meetings to help forward our goals?
  4. Inhouse
    1. Roundup



Ward 1
Ward 2
Ward 3
Ward 4
Ward 5
Ward 6
Ward 7
Ward 8